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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2023-07-24
Vocational education, as an employment oriented education type, aims to cultivate talents who are more adaptable to social development. With the development of technology and the gradual refinement of social division of labor, more and more new professions and positions have emerged, and the level of refinement of vocational education content is also increasing. In such an increasingly competitive society, as every professional in the workplace, self-improvement and career path planning are no longer limited to the improvement of vocational admission certificates or work-related skills, life skills Training related to interests and hobbies with certain social Q functions is gradually being sought after by professionals. The content of vocational education is extending from the promotion of Hard power in the workplace to the learning of pan vocational Soft skills.
Not only in terms of content, vocational education training used to be mostly conducted offline or remotely recorded courses. Under the influence of emerging communication methods such as live streaming and short videos, the methods of vocational education have become increasingly diverse. The more direct and rapid teaching methods have made the connection between teachers and learners closer, and the convenient teaching methods have also enabled every person with professional skills to become a sharer of knowledge and skills, The expansion of teaching space has enabled vocational education to cover a wider range of age groups and gradually expand to the scope of lifelong education. These changes are driving vocational education into a new stage of development.
职业教育是一种就业教育,它与百姓、与我们国家的发展息息相关,能为全面建设社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供有力人才和技能支撑。即人的素质决定着民族的素质,而民族素质对国家的发展和社会的进步具有重大影响。所以发展职业教育,以提高劳动者素质,加快培养技能型、实用性人才, 有利于提升劳动者就业能力,促进就业率提升,同时对适应我国新型工业化发展有着重要作用。
Vocational education is a type of employment education that is closely related to the people and the development of our country. It can provide strong talent and skill support for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country and the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The quality of a person determines the quality of a nation, and national quality has a significant impact on the development of a country and the progress of society. Therefore, developing vocational education to improve the quality of workers and accelerate the cultivation of skilled and practical talents is beneficial for enhancing the employability of workers, promoting the increase of employment rate, and playing an important role in adapting to the development of China's new industrialization.
职业教育对个人的成长也很重要,因为个人的成长大部分都要通过展现自身的职业能力来实现职业诉求。因此,受教育者想成长为适应社会需求实现个人发展和为社会做贡献的人,就要通过职业能力的培养和提升, 所以在经济高速发展的今天,职业教育将成为人才培养的重要形式。从现阶段国家的一些相关政策决策倾向和就业数据可以看出,我国教育体制的大趋势已经发生了重大改变,职业教育在当今社会越来越吃香,越来越受重视,它肩负着为社会和用人单位输送专业人才的责任与使命,即职业教育培养的是能够快速工作的实用型人才。
Vocational education is also important for personal growth, as most of personal growth requires showcasing one's professional abilities to achieve career aspirations. Therefore, if educators want to grow into individuals who can adapt to social needs, achieve personal development, and contribute to society, they must cultivate and enhance their professional abilities. Therefore, in today's rapidly developing economy, vocational education will become an important form of talent cultivation. From some relevant policy decision-making tendencies and employment data of the country at present, it can be seen that the overall trend of China's education system has undergone significant changes. Vocational education is becoming increasingly popular and valued in today's society. It shoulders the responsibility and mission of delivering professional talents to society and employers, that is, vocational education cultivates practical talents who can work quickly.

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