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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2023-07-21
Firstly, it highly intersects with higher education. Generality and professionalism were originally the controversial concepts in higher education, but now they have been added to the concept of professionalism. Vocational education and higher education, as the interface between the Educational stage and the working stage of students' access to society, used to be relatively clear in content, mode and level, but now they are intertwined in a large range. For example, what kind of education does higher vocational education, applied undergraduate education and professional degrees belong to? Theoretical intervention is needed to clarify the truth.
Secondly, there is an increased demand for basic education. In the past, vocational education was a habitual response based on proficiency in physical and technical skills, and once learned, there was no need to think too much. However, with the development of modern technology, the operation became more complex, and the learning process was not only physical training, but also mental training. Modern technology follows scientific principles, and without knowing the principles, it is difficult for technology to progress. At the same time, technology is acquired and requires training in a real environment. Therefore, theoretical teaching and practical training have become the basic methods of vocational education. Students who need to receive vocational education not only have a certain theoretical foundation, but also need to extend their learning years appropriately according to the situation. Modern vocational education is very different from traditional education.
Thirdly, establish an apprenticeship based teaching model on campus. Enterprises are economic organizations that pursue profits, and the social talent market is open. Generally, enterprises are no longer willing to take the initiative to undertake the practical teaching responsibility of vocational education, and the scale of education is huge. Even if enterprises have the will, they cannot undertake all of it. Therefore, schools need to establish and develop their own practical training bases, and complete large-scale student practical teaching tasks through self construction, government assistance, enterprise co construction, social participation, and other forms. Schools cannot undertake these tasks solely by relying on "double qualified" teachers, and require a group of full-time or part-time teachers from enterprises. The apprenticeship system carried out within schools mainly focuses on common foundations or characteristic teaching, and many production frontline content still strives to cooperate with enterprises. This requires the government to establish a community between education and industry, as well as schools and enterprises. The apprenticeship model is carried out in large-scale dual scenarios in schools and enterprises, which will be the norm in future vocational education, that is, modern apprenticeship.
Fourthly, it runs through Lifelong learning. The development of technology and industrial transformation have kept careers constantly changing. A person should receive certain vocational orientation, vocational awareness education, and general social skills education based on their individual characteristics from a young age. In higher education, in addition to improving professional abilities, it is also important to focus on cultivating relevant job general skills. After work, it is necessary to continuously improve professional abilities and growth work skills based on job requirements. From this, it can be seen that vocational education and technical skill learning have broken through the narrow concepts and will accompany people throughout their lives.
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