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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2024-05-20


The advantages of the spring college entrance examination

  1. 考试难度降低:和夏季高考相比,春季高考考试内容为语数外+专业知识,考试难度较低,增加了被高校录取的机会。

1. Reduced difficulty of the exam: Compared with the summer college entrance examination, the spring college entrance examination focuses on language, mathematics, and professional knowledge, which reduces the difficulty of the exam and increases the chances of being admitted to universities.

  2. 双重机会:春季高考可以和夏季高考同时兼报,若春季高考成绩不理想,仍有参加夏季高考的机会,给考生两次机会。

2. Dual opportunities: The spring college entrance examination can be taken simultaneously with the summer college entrance examination. If the results of the spring college entrance examination are not satisfactory, there is still a chance to participate in the summer college entrance examination, giving candidates two opportunities.

  3. 待遇相同:春季高考和夏季高考一样,都可以取得国家计划内统招本科院校的录取资格,毕业后学历及毕业证与夏季高考考生相同,享受同等待遇。

3. Same treatment: Both the spring and summer college entrance exams can obtain the admission qualifications for undergraduate institutions under the national plan. After graduation, the education level and graduation certificate are the same as those of the summer college entrance exam candidates, and they enjoy the same treatment.

  4. 就业优势:山东省春季高考提供19个专业类别供考生选择,考生可以根据自己的意愿选择面宽泛而灵活,有利于未来的就业。


4. Employment advantages: The spring college entrance examination in Shandong Province provides 19 professional categories for candidates to choose from. Candidates can choose a wide and flexible range according to their own preferences, which is conducive to future employment.

  5. 竞争压力小:春季高考人数约为夏季高考人数的八分之一,竞争压力相对较小。

5. Low competitive pressure: The number of people taking the spring college entrance examination is about one eighth of the number taking the summer college entrance examination, and the competitive pressure is relatively small.

  6. 本科招生指标增多:越来越多的本科招生指标和本科录取院校加入春季高考。

6. Increase in undergraduate enrollment indicators: More and more undergraduate enrollment indicators and colleges are joining the spring college entrance examination.

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