More and more candidates are choosing to take the spring exam, and the difficulty of the exam will correspondingly increase. Now, the skills for the spring exam have been tested, and the cultural courses and theories will be officially tested from May 18th to 19th.
The spring college entrance examination has a maximum score of 750 points, and the admission scores for some popular professional colleges are generally above 400-500 points. How should we scientifically prepare for cultural courses to obtain scores above 500 points?
How to prepare for Chinese language exams?
Chinese language requires a serious learning attitude. Even if the foundation is poor, studying diligently with the teacher for a period of time can still achieve good results. In exams, as long as students answer seriously, do not deviate from the topic, write enough words in their essays, and have their own analysis of the answers, a basic score of 70-80 can be obtained. If students have a good grasp of basic literary literacy and literary talent, a score of 90-100 is also possible.
How to prepare for math exams?
Mathematics learning mainly relies on the sense of problems obtained from daily practice and the basic problem-solving methods of mathematics.
The content of mathematical knowledge is mainly divided into three parts: algebra, trigonometric functions, and geometry. In addition, some small chapters such as complex numbers and probability can be reviewed in a concentrated manner. To improve math grades in a short period of time, students need to practice repeatedly on basic problems, dissect typical example problems, learn to explain formulas, knowledge points, and integrate problem types, without hesitating too much on more difficult problems. Students with weaker foundations are better off summarizing and reviewing middle school knowledge points to improve their reading and calculation abilities in math problems. Familiarize yourself with question types, practice more, review in a timely manner, and provide feedback on incorrect questions.
How to prepare for English exams?
春考单招英语按照分数组合来看,基本上属于应试难度低的科目,英语的单词量、阅读量以及语感并非是一朝一夕能够训练完成的,因此想要在短时间内提高英语成绩的同学们,第一步首先是记单词,积累短语及好的句式,为写好一篇英语作文而打好基础,其次便是词汇量及时态语法的掌握, 掌握基本的这些知识点,才能做好阅读分析等题目。
According to the score combination of the Spring Exam Single Recruitment English, it is basically a subject with low difficulty in the exam. The vocabulary, reading volume, and language sense of English cannot be trained overnight. Therefore, for students who want to improve their English scores in a short period of time, the first step is to memorize words, accumulate phrases and good sentence structures, and lay a solid foundation for writing an English essay. The second step is to master vocabulary and tense grammar. Mastering these basic knowledge points can help them do well in reading analysis and other questions.
How to prepare for theoretical exams?
The score of the professional theory exam in the spring college entrance examination is 200 points, which also accounts for an important part of the score. Students need to master the corresponding knowledge points and memorize important knowledge points in order to be proficient in the exam. You can use a combination of skills to memorize knowledge points.
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